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This report is published weekly on Friday and includes the U.S. average price and marketings by type of peanut (Runner, Spanish, Valencia, and Virginia). The report also highlights averages and changes in peanut pricing for the week for farmer stock peanuts and runner-type peanuts. Data for this report is obtained from the first buyers of farmer stock peanuts.
The Florida Peanut Marketing Order was established in 1975 for the purpose of supporting research, promotion and education for the state’s peanut industry. The self-imposed assessment generates funds on a per-ton basis for the purpose of increasing awareness, funding research and supporting educational initiatives.
The National Peanut Board works to improve the economic condition of USA peanut farmers and their families through compelling promotion and groundbreaking research.
The Peanut Institute is a non-profit organization supporting nutrition research and developing educational programs to encourage healthful lifestyles that include peanuts and peanut products.
The American Peanut Council represent all segments of the U.S. peanut industry, including growers, shellers, manufacturers and allied partners. In a nutshell, we bring the industry together as we support exports, sustainability and research of the world's favorite nut.
The National Peanut Buying Points Association seeks to represent America's 350+ buying locations that receive, weigh, clean, dry, inspect, grade and prepare peanuts for storage and shelling. All United States produced peanuts must be inspected by the Federal-State Inspection Service at a registered peanut buying point.
The Association's goal is to be an informed liaison between the farmer and the sheller, to strive for fair and friendly government and private regulations, to seek new and innovative technology that will keep all segments of the peanut industry profitable and conduct research and promotions that help to grow the industry and preserve America's peanut buying points.
The American Peanut Shellers Association is a non-profit trade association, composed of commercial peanut shellers and crushers located throughout the United States. Chartered on April 5, 1919, the Association is the oldest organized group in the peanut industry.
The purpose of the American Peanut Research & Education Society is to instruct and educate the public on the properties, production, and use of the peanut through the organization and promotion of public discussion groups, forums, lectures, and other programs or presentations. APRES also promotes scientific research on the properties, production, and use of the peanut by providing forums, treatises, magazines, and other forms of educational material for the publication and dissemination of scientific information and research papers.
In the United States, peanuts are grown mainly in the South, where the climate is warmer and growing seasons are longer than in northern zones. Most U.S. peanut production comes from six States: Georgia, Florida, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas.